Summer - 2024
Our goal of providing a permanent home for Veterans that have found themselves without shelter and living with the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress continues. Our goal for 2024 will be to continue on our mission, raising funds to find that forever home. Your support is truly appreciated.
From the Office:
We are a public benefit 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Your public, private and corporate donations are tax deductible under IRC Section 170.
If you are thinking of making a donation, please check with your employer regarding matched donation programs!
Our site continues to receive a high amount of traffic as we now have had thousands of visitors.Your interest in helping Veterans is much appreciated.
Please visit our Donate page to make a difference as we work to develop a soft-landing for our warriors.
Thank you for your support!
8 Room Motel Conversion
Completely Furnished
Peaceful Desert Environment
Swimming Pool
Solar Power - Low Cost Utilities
BBQ - Horseshoe Pit
Weekly Support Meetings
Concept Example - 8 Room Motel Conversion
For a more personal look at James and Walter Cribben
Please visit our Facebook page:
A Non-Profit 501(c)3 Corporation
The primary purpose of this web-site is to act as a fund-raising platform for the development of the James and Walter Cribben Center for Veterans Affairs. The Center's vision will require that it comply with numerous requirements, legal and logistical, some of which are beyond the expertise of the founder of the Center. A certain amount of professional legal help will be required. This fund raising effort is the first step in a long process towards meeting those requirements set forth by the Veterans Administration which result in our eligibility for and favorable outcome of Federal Grant and Per Diem allowances that are a required part of the ultimate success of the Center.
With every donation, our vision of supporting our Veterans is one step closer to reality. We will never use more than 20% of the donations received towards legal or logistical fees and expenses even if it results in any delay. This will insure that no matter the outcome of this effort, no less than 80% of your donation will go directly towards our stated goal of assisting homeless Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress. The use of 20% of the donation to fund the success of the Center's development is a necessary step towards making it's vision a reality. As a general practice and a requirement of 501(c)(3) compliance, our financial records will be available to the public during normal business hours and within a reasonable time frame.
We look forward to your support. Together, we can help end Veteran homelessness and give our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Air-men, the honor they deserve.
The James and Walter Cribben
Center for Veterans Affairs
This property has been recently sold and is no longer available to us.
A search for an alternate facility is under way.